About Russian Blue Kittens California

Our Story About

Russian Blue Kittens California

Russian Blue kittens California

Learn more About Russian Blue Kittens California

Russian Blue Kittens California is a small Russian Blue cattery in Tulelake, California. Our Russian Blue cats and kittens are raised in a family environment with lots of love and attention. Our cats meet the highest breed standard and are of a champion class. Russian Blue Kittens California does NOT CAGE our Russian Blue cats or kittens. We don’t even own a cage; we only get one when a kitten is about to be shipped. We use extra bedrooms in the home as nurseries. Our adult Russian Blue cats sleep with us every night and have the entire run of the house. They are not locked away or used as breeding machines. We treat them with love and respect.

Russian Blue Kittens California also gives every Russian Blue cat and kitten in our care the best chance for survival. We have been breeding Russian Blue cats and kittens for over 20 years. I have found that many breeders believe that if a kitten or cat is not 100%, it’s best to let nature take its course. I do not believe in this mentality. We will do whatever is possible for any of our Russian Blue cats or kittens, no matter their age and no matter what value people think they may have. We do not look at our pets or our kittens as dollar signs.

We are responsible Russian Blue breeders you can find near you and use only pedigreed Russian Blue cats for our breeding program. We are registered with two feline associations (TICA and CFA).

Our cats are genetically tested and don’t carry any feline diseases. Our mission is to ensure that our graduates are of exceptional health, top Russian Blue breed quality, raised in happiness, and have fantastic temperaments.

We do not overbreed or inbreed. Our queens can have a maximum of 5 litters in 2 years, which is the reason for the longer waitlist.

Our cattery was initially created in honour and memory of our beloved Bruno the Cat, who crossed the rainbow bridge after 16 happy years with us. He was a unique purebred Russian Blue with an extraordinary influence on my entire family’s lives. Bruno had a fantastic and handsome personality, and we felt sorry that he could not reproduce. After appropriate technology education, we established our cattery to breed and promote top-tier, hypoallergenic cats with fantastic character and intelligence.

Russian Blue Kittens California does NOT CAGE our Russian Blue cats or kittens. We don’t even own a cage. We only get one when a kitten is about to be shipped. We use extra bedrooms in the home as nurseries. Our adult Russian blue cats sleep with us every night and have an entire run of the house. They are not locked away and used as breeding machines.

Russian Blue Kittens California also gives every Russian blue cat and kitten in our care the best chance of survival. We have been Breeding Russian Blue Cats and Kittens for over 20 years. Many breeders believe that if a kitten or cat is not 100%, then it’s best to let nature take its course. I do not believe in this mentality. We will do whatever is possible for any of our Russian Blue Cats or kittens, no matter their age and no matter what value people think they may have. We do not look at our pets or our kittens as dollar signs.

Russian Blue Kitten California Gallery

About Russian Blue Cats

Rose the Queen

Russian Blue Kittens California

Amazing Strong Kittens